
Yawsae-Antwikrom Road
Yawsae-Antwikrom Road

Residents of Yawsae and Antwikrom, a farming community near Sunyani in the Bono Region, are appealing to the regional feeder roads engineer to ensure the timely completion of the Yawsae-Antwikrom feeder road. Their concerns arise from the potential isolation of their communities from Sunyani during heavy rainfall if the road remains unfinished.

During a recent visit to the community by this writer, it was discovered that “Aspire Resource Company Limited,” the construction firm in charge of the project, had completed most of the necessary work on the 4.5-kilometer road from Antwikrom junction to Yawsae nearly three months ago. However, due to delayed payments, the project has been abandoned, causing distress among the residents.

The main cause of the project’s delay appears to be inconsistent supervision by the Regional Feeder Road Engineer. This has hindered the process of the construction firm obtaining its payment certificate from the government, thus creating further obstacles to the road’s completion.

Hon. Tetteh Ayitey, the Assembly member of the Yawsae electoral area, expressed his frustration with the situation. He warned that if the road is not completed before the rainy season, residents will face significant difficulties in terms of transportation and access to essential services.

Interviews conducted with residents by the writer revealed their growing frustrations. They emphasized the significance of Yawsae as a major cocoa-producing community and stressed the urgent need for the road’s completion to support cocoa production in the region.

The completion of the Yawsae-Antwikrom road is not only vital for agricultural purposes but also for the convenience of nurses and teachers who commute from Sunyani to the local health facility and the M/A Primary and Junior High School. Any further delays or disruptions to the road’s construction could greatly impact their ability to provide essential services and hinder the education of the community’s children.

The residents of Yawsae and Antwikrom are now calling on the regional feeder roads engineer to prioritize the completion of the road. They hope that swift action will be taken to address the payment issues and provide consistent supervision to the construction firm, ensuring the timely resumption and completion of the project.

The community’s plea for a swift resolution stems from their understanding of the potential consequences of a prolonged delay. They fear being cut off from Sunyani during heavy rainfall, which could lead to difficulties in transporting goods, accessing markets, and receiving necessary services.

Moreover, the completion of the Yawsae-Antwikrom road is viewed as a vital investment in the community’s development and prosperity. It would enhance transportation links, facilitate economic activities, and contribute to the overall well-being of the residents.

As the community awaits action on their appeal, local authorities and relevant stakeholders are urged to prioritize the completion of the Yawsae-Antwikrom road. The timely fulfillment of this crucial infrastructure project will not only prevent disruption during the rainy season but also support the sustainable growth of the community and bolster cocoa production in the region.

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