The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is calling for concrete solutions to address climate migration ahead of the third MedCOP on Mediterranean climate challenges for Climate Action in Tangier, Morocco on 22 and 23 June.
Climate change is reshaping migration patterns everywhere. In 2022, disasters have caused 305,000 new displacements in the Middle East and North Africa (IDMC, Global Report on Internal Displacement 2023). This is a 30 per cent increase compared to the previous year.
Floods, storms and droughts are already threatening livelihoods, water and food security, people’s health and overall human security in North Africa. The World Bank predicts that up to 19 million people would become internal climate migrants in North Africa alone by 2050 without concrete climate action.
To minimize the effects of climate change on human mobility in the Mediterranean region, IOM is committed to strengthening the resilience of vulnerable communities in the region, through an inclusive approach.
“IOM is committed to addressing the interlinkages of climate change and human mobility in the region through an inclusive solution-oriented strategy,” said IOM Senior Regional Advisor for MENA, Hassan Abdel Moneim Mostafa.
“We believe in the importance of a locally led territorial approach to provide adequate solutions to strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and enable sustainable development, in alignment with the MedCOP objectives.”
IOM is a partner of the MedCOP Climate convened under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI. The Meeting of Mediterranean Territories for climate action is an annual process gathering more than 500 key actors (governments, local authorities, UN agencies, private sector, NGOs) to consolidate a Mediterranean dynamic for local climate action and accelerate COP’s goals achievement.
IOM is co-organizing with United Cities and Local Governments a panel session on “Migration Impact and Opportunities” with high-level speakers from both sides of the Mediterranean.
There was unprecedented recognition of the links between climate change impacts and human mobility at the COP27 in Egypt. Ahead of the COP28 in the United Arab Emirates, we need to work towards increasing the recognition of opportunities that environmental migration governance present in relation to implementing effective climate action, either by strengthening and diversifying adaptation measures but also to avert, minimize and address loss and damage.
Extreme weather hazards will occur more frequently due to climate change in the years ahead. The linkages between climate change, migration and displacement are increasingly pressing worldwide. To avert, mitigate and address displacement linked to climate disasters and strengthen people’s resilience, implementing sustainable climate adaptation, preparedness and concrete disaster risk reduction measures is urgent.
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