
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

Ms. Aretha Otoo, Assistant Nutrition Officer, Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly (LEKMA) Hospital, has advised diabetic patients to eat more brown rice.

Due to its fiber content, brown rice, she said, could improve blood sugar control, which is critical for people living with diabetes.

Ms. Otoo, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Accra, explained that brown rice had a medium glycemic index (GI) score, making it more suitable than white rice — which has a high score for people with diabetes.

The glycemic index measures how much a food raises blood sugar levels and can be a useful tool for people living with diabetes.

Ghana was ranked sixth among other African countries, according to statistics by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on diabetes between 2016 and 2017.

The Office of the International Diabetes Federation of West Africa estimates that undiagnosed diabetes accounts for 60 per cent of those with the disease in Cameroon, 70 per cent in Ghana and over 80 per cent in Tanzania.

Ms. Otoo said it was also important that Ghanaians tried to incorporate other nutritious foods at each meal, including lean proteins, fruits, and low carbohydrate vegetables.

She indicated that eating a varied and balanced diet, especially one that was high in whole foods and limited in processed, refined products, not only provided more vitamins and minerals, but also helped to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

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