
The Ghana Football Association (GFA) has received widespread praise for the improved winners’ medals presented in this season’s Ghana Premier League.

The Kurt Okraku-led administration, which faced criticism for last season’s subpar medals, appears to have taken the feedback to heart and delivered a remarkable upgrade.

The previous winners’ medals, given to champions Asante Kotoko, were heavily criticised for their lacklustre design, failing to meet the expectations of both players and fans. The dissatisfaction sparked a wave of criticism, putting the GFA under scrutiny.

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However, the GFA’s response this season has been outstanding, with the new winners’ medals demonstrating a significant improvement. The aesthetically pleasing design is now considered appropriate for the occasion, drawing comparisons to international standards seen in major leagues around the world.

The upgraded winners’ medals have not only raised the prestige of the Ghana Premier League, but also highlighted the GFA’s commitment to improving the overall experience for players, fans, and the football community as a whole.


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