How To Acquire Express Entry Points With A Job Offer In Canada

How To Acquire Express Entry Points With A Job Offer In Canada

  • You can get extra points in the Express Entry system for having a job offer that meets certain conditions.
  • You can get the 50 point award as long as you have a valid job offer in a skilled occupation.
  • The important criteria, which most people miss, is that in order to get the CRS points, your job offer needs to be supported by an LMIA, or be LMIA exempt.
  • You cannot get job offer points if you are working in Canada on an open work permit, such as a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), and your employer has not done an LMIA.
  • If you want the points for the job offer, your employer should get an LMIA
  • Furthermore, the immigration officer reviewing your file must be convinced that you can actually do the job you have been offered.