How To Win A Girl's Heart

How To Win A Girl's Heart

This isn’t for the guy looking for a one-night stand. Books like “The Game” and “The Players Handbook” might teach you how to hook up and leave you with an empty life and a long list of regrets. “10 Ways to Win a Girl’s Heart” is for you if you desire the most beautiful lady in the world on the exterior and inside, a girl you’d be happy to show off to all of your friends and family, and a girl with whom you can create the foundation of a fulfilling life together.

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. In a few weeks, I’ll marry the woman of my dreams. She’s the type of woman that exceeded all of my expectations and crossed off all of my to-do lists. I know I’ve found the treasure of a lifetime as I look down at her in my arms. She’s both physically and emotionally fragile. It’s like if I’m holding the world’s most valuable work of art. I want to be gentle with her, speak love things to her, and place kisses all over her soft skin. I can’t help but think, “How did you, Kris, get the most precious jewel in the world????” After all, she’s much more than a beautiful creature to stare at. She’s intelligent, well-spoken, athletic, care-free, and creative. She’s like a fairy tale princess.

We went on a climb the other night, and as we neared the top, we were treated to a breathtaking panorama. Kristen is awestruck since it’s all the colors she chose for our wedding. I’m torn between the most stunning woman and the most stunning sunset God has ever created. I’m discussing this article idea with her. After all, I’d like this content to be a watershed moment for the good guys. I’m all for the underdog winning, but it seems like the nice person is the one who loses to these conventional techniques that some greasy dude fine tunes by employing them over and over again. So I asked her what I did to persuade her to change her mind.

Are you ready to win your dream girl? Here are 10 ways to win a girl’s heart:

1. Be submissive

Pursue her without putting any pressure on her. To put it another way, don’t try to “front” and seem arrogant. Start by having a discussion with her and demonstrating that you are interested in her beyond her beauty. You are not required to come up with a ridiculous pickup line. “I’d like to introduce myself…” is all you have to say. Be sincere and genuine in your desire to learn more about her. Too many nice guys are scared of a girl’s attractiveness on the surface, but look closer and you’ll see her true self. You’ll have a leg up on the other idiots out there if you can get beyond this. After all, it’s where you shine the brightest. This is why you’re the hero!!

2. Act like a gentleman.

Girls do not desire to be regarded like queens, but they do desire to be treated as princesses. She does not want you to be a doormat; instead, she wants you to be the boss. Please open all doors for her, particularly the automobile door. When you take her out on a date, pull out her chair and let her sit first, and let her order first. You should be the person walking closest to the street when walking beside it. Being a gentleman means putting others before yourself.

3. Offer compliments

On our first date, I told her, “You look so gorgeous.” I then complimented her on how beautiful she looked without makeup the night before. It was genuine and genuine. I just saw a female who didn’t have enough time because she had just finished at the gym, and she subsequently disclosed to me that she had been testing me to see whether I would still like her without makeup. That was extremely enticing to me.

4. Use your imagination.

You don’t have to spend all of your money to impress her. Consider thinking beyond the box. Danny, one of my good friends, has been pursuing his girl right now. [Update: Danny Booko and Nia, the current Ms. USA 2014, are now engaged.] He took her on a trek to waterfalls in Malibu, California, and then took her to M Café, which had swans. He’s also taken her to the Getty Museum and the Zoo, both of which are free of charge. Another option is to take her to a shop like Color Me Mine, which allows you to decorate your own ceramics. Putting thought and creativity into a date shows her you care about showing her the finest of life, and it allows you to experience each other in a variety of scenarios.

5. Make a conscious effort

Invite her to your friends’ parties, activities, and game evenings. When I finally acquired Kristen’s phone number, I called her every day. I texted her positive words and Bible texts to cheer her up. On our sixth date, I told her I wanted to be her guy. She wasn’t quite ready, but she knew exactly what I was looking for. I gave her all the time she needed, with no strings attached, while still pursuing her. She expressed her admiration for it.

6. Make positive remarks about her in front of others

Take her hand in yours. Backhanded compliments are recommended by pick-up artists, but nothing matches a true and heartfelt complement. For a one-night encounter, a backhanded compliment could work, but for a long-term relationship, this is a dangerous component. Treat her with the same respect you do when you’re alone as you do when you’re with friends and family.

7. Pay attention

Demonstrate to her that you are concerned about her needs. Pay close attention to the details. The little things matter a lot to girls. For example, I knew Kristen was a vegetarian on our first date, so I took her to Café Gratitude, a vegetarian restaurant. Listen to what she has to say.

8. Take care of yourself.

Don’t let her walk to her car by herself. If she’s going for a night jog or walk, tell her you’d want to accompany her to keep her safe. If she needs to go to the gas station late at night, accompany her. If she needs to use the restroom at a club, take her there and wait outside the door.

9. Pay attention to what others are saying.

“What,” “how,” and “why” are all good open-ended inquiries to ask. You’re not going to get very far with her if you’re doing the majority of the talking. With your body language and by echoing back some of what she just said, show her you care.

10. Try to be romantic.

Make preparations ahead of time. What kind of love story do you want to have? You’re the one who wrote it. You don’t want her to say the driveway or that you were intoxicated at a party when people inquire about your first kiss. I wanted the night I kissed Kristen for the first time to be memorable. On Mulholland Drive, I took her to an overlook. We were on top of the city, and I was her very own Superman that night. It was a memorable occasion, and I decided to propose to her there.

Last but not least, be yourself. If she’s bought into a phony identity, she won’t last long, and why would you want that? I’ve accepted the fact that I’m not the coolest man on the block, so I revel in my nerdiness. Have faith in yourself. There is no one else like you. When you live in truth, you don’t need a game. You’ve already come out on top.