
Black Stars head coach, Chris Hughton, displayed a cautious outlook as he addressed the forthcoming vital match against Madagascar in the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifiers.

Hughton stated that he could not guarantee any results, emphasising the team’s need to put up a fight to secure a victory.

The Black Stars will travel to play Madagascar on Sunday, June 18, in what is regarded as a vital game that could determine their qualification for the prestigious 2023 AFCON.

A win in the encounter would ensure Ghana’s participation in the tournament, which is set to be held in Ivory Coast early next year.

As the squad intensifies their preparations for the crucial clash, Coach Hughton reiterated the significance of the upcoming match while remaining realistic about the challenges they might encounter.

“With regards to getting results in Madagascar, I can’t promise anything. There isn’t one coach that will sit here and promise that they would get results in the next game. Not one,” he told the media in a press conference.

“The only thing I can promise you is that we will have a team that will be determined to do that. We will have a coaching staff and a head coach that is determined to do tath.

Acknowledging the team’s aspirations, he stated that although he could not provide assurances of a positive outcome, the players would be fully committed to the contest.

“We know the value of a win against Madagascar. We know what that means. But we also know that we can’t take them for granted,” he continued.

“With regards to small and easy games, there are none [like that]. Every country is trying to improve what they have. In every country, when you look at the individual players now playing in better leagues and that means the challenge is bigger.

“But we will have a team that will give their everything to get the results that we want.”

The team will continue preparations for a few more days at the Accra Sports Stadium before leaving for the clash which kicks off on Sunday.


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