
With the prices of malt drinks recently skyrocketing from 5 to 9 cedis, I have been thinking about why we have not been able to add value to Asaana, a local corn drink tasting almost the same  as malt drink.

Believe it or not, The hearts and taste buds of the people of Ghana have always been captivated by Asaana.

It has a rich history and a special place in the hearts of all Ghanaians, with a legacy that spanned several generations.

On scorching hot afternoons, when the sun beat down relentlessly on the bustling streets by the Adabraka Market, a suburb in the city of Accra, one would defy all odds to seek solace in a refreshing calabash of Asaana.

Asana is non-alcoholic, though similar to its popular counterpart, malt, Asaana has something truly unique – a taste that resonated with tradition and heritage.

The name  Asaana originated from the GA language meaning, ‘Can I taste’? or an answer to the preceding question, ‘You can taste’

Of course, it earned the enviable name from the secret behind its exceptional taste which lay in its carefully guarded recipe of fermented corn fused with caramelized sugar, ice cubes, and others, passed down through generations.

Anyone who enjoys Asaana knows that the sip of the drink brings forth memories of childhood, family gatherings, and festive occasions,  Asaana had a real place in our culture.

Despite the presence of carbonated malt drinks and other alternatives, Asaana has managed to hold its ground and even compete favorably. Oh Yes! Favorably.

Those of us who love the drink know that no carbonated drink could replicate the deep-rooted flavor and nostalgia that Asaana embodied.

As the story unfolds, we find ourselves on a bear street park nestled in Adabraka, I still remember, just like yesterday, how my colleague footballers after an exhaustive match will rush off the street pitch to fight over the last cup of this beloved calabash drink.

Just that, the big calabash that carries the drink was not enough. But that’s the thing, no one can have enough of Asaana.

Never rebranded, never advertised, no sales promotions. For us, it is the invigoration given by the cool and revitalizing

taste that only asaana could provide to our sweaty brows and tired bodies that made us opt over and over again for it.

But while Asaana had already carved out a special place in the minds of Ghanaians, there is a longing for it to reach even greater heights. Many believed that if value had been added to this beloved beverage, it could have emerged as a true champion on the global stage.

Some of us dreamed of Asaana becoming a symbol of Ghana’s cultural heritage, transcending borders, and introducing the world to the taste of Ghanaian culture.

But until then, the story of Asaana continues as a testament to the enduring spirit of a local ‘malt’, which remained firmly ingrained in the bosom of Ghanaians, as they eagerly await the day it would take its rightful place among the world’s most beloved beverages.

By Daniel Lartey

The writer is a social media and public relations expert, a Google certified digital marketer, brand strategist, and a leading voice in Africa’s creative industry. Daniel is currently the President of Inkniche Global Ghana, a public relation and social media agency.

Email: [email protected]


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