
Sheikh Abdul Mumin Dalhu
Sheikh Abdul Mumin Dalhu

Sheikh Abdul Mumin Dalhu, a renowned Islamic cleric, traditional ruler, a spiritual healer said we cannot achieve the peaceful world we seek with injustice or selective justice.

He indicated that the UN’s sustainable peace goal would remain a mirage if matters as that of Palestine are thrown into the bins.

Sheikh Abdul Mumin Dalhu wad giving an address on the commemoration of the International Quds day.

According to him, the people of Palestine have been under grave oppression by the Zionists and have known no freedom or happiness. “They have been continuously attacked; unabated bombing, discharge of harmful substances. Neither a child has a shred of confidence of seeing their parents again when they go out to work. Nor a parent believes in the possibility of finding the corpse of their children for befitting burial. Their fate entirely the Gracious Lord dependent,” he said.

He averred that wealthiest people who were supposed to provide better lives are rather the people causing hunger and destruction and making life unbearable for the people of Palestine.

As the people of Palestine celebrates the Quds day, Sheikh Abdul Mumin Dalhu affirmed his support for the Palestinian people in their freedom struggle.

“We solidarize with them in this difficult moments. And we strongly and outrightly condemn the illegal and unjust occupation of their lands.”

He also insisted that denying people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity hence, the world must care about Palestine.

“Even though we are far here in Ghana but Our hearts goes out to the Palestinian families who are facing evictions, torture and untimely deaths.”

“With high indignation, fearlessness and empathy we are here today, in the Ahlulbayt mosque in Tamale, the Northern regional capital of Ghana to express our solidarity for the Palestinian people. One may ask why we are concerned about the issues in Palestine….We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race, created by one God. Apart from sharing the same Earth, moon and sun We also share the same basic human values and rights.”

He described the tyrant oppressors are not only heartless, but that they are also shameless and inhuman.

According to Sheikh Abdul Mumin Dalhu the Palestinian people deserve freedom and Liberation and asked why the Israeli authorities continue to act in clear defiance of international law.

He said: “We must all speak up against the ongoing violence Israel has been perpetrating against the helpless Palestinian people for decades. To stay neutral means siding with the oppressors to kill the oppressed. It is not enough to be shocked by Israel’s endless violence against Palestinians. Everyone, particularly rational minds has a responsibility to speak out and demand justice for Palestine.”

He mentioned that Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. “He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded” (Qur’an 16:90)”
The Islamic Cleric said freedom is a basic right of every living creature including animals and everyone has a right to live freely in decency.

“Unfortunately, even animals enjoy better lives than our dear Palestinian people. The animals feel safer in their abode than Palestinians feel in their own homes. No right thinking person would expect honey from one’s flesh when struck with a knife. We cannot turn blind eyes to the atrocities and barbarism caused by Israel and their allies to the innocent women and children in Palestine and still expect calmness in the world. Because, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

“People of this world. Let’s join hands to speak against the injustice against our fellow Human race,” he said stressing that “until we see a free Palestine, we will continue to talk and pray against the tyrants. Raiding Palestinian homes and sacred places of worship especially Masjid Aqsa has shown the world, hown how shameless and cruel Israel is. In all these The super powers are quite, unlike Ukraine they shameless try to justify cruel. actions of their wicked alliece. Very soon time will catch up with the wicked.”

International Quds Day as declared by Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhullah Khomeini was set aside and observed by all Muslims across the globe as a mark of solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine.

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