
People wait to vote at a polling station in Kibi, eastern region of Ghana December 7, 2016. REUTERS/Luc Gnago
People wait to vote at a polling station in Kibi, eastern region of Ghana December 7, 2016. REUTERS/Luc Gnago

Last week I heard the President of Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) Dr. Joseph Obeng on most radio and TV Stations talking and lamenting that the majority in Parliament has approved three addional taxes, that are going to further kill their businesses. He seemed so helpless because he didn’t know the solution to dealing with this government and this is why I have offered to give him one.

Dr. Joseph Obeng, one of the many solutions at your disposal is for your association to resolve to vote against all candidates of the NPP in 2024.

From the way Dr. Obeng spoke, I could see that he was one of those who trusted in what Dr. Bawumiah said in 2016 about taxes and how if not managed properly, could kill businesses and shrink the economy. The reason they were coming to move the economy from taxation to production. Dr. Obeng has been disappointed.

I find it difficult why some people are still wondering which political party to vote for in 2024. If you are a trader and the NPP told you they are coming to move the economy from taxation to production and after six years, they keep increasing your taxes, should I come and tell you that they lied to you, so resolve to kick them out?

If you are a driver or car owner and in 2016, you were buying a gallon of petrol for GHC18.00 but the same gallon of petrol is now selling over GHC50.00, should I tell you to resolve to kick this insensitive government out in 2024? Nana Addo during the State of the Nation address confidently stated that a unit of petrol, which used to sell for GHC22.00 is now selling at GHC13.00. He spoke as if it was John Mahama, who moved the unit of petrol in 2017 from GHC3.00 to GHC22.00.

If you are a businessman or woman and in 2016, you used GHC 4.20 to get a dollar to import or export. Today, you will need between GHC12 and GHC13 to buy the same dollar. Do you need me to tell you to resolve to send this incompetent government to the bush?

Inflation rate in 2016 was around 15%, Kenkey was sold at GHC 1.00 and cement was going for GHC28.00. Today, inflation is at 54% and a smaller kenkey is being sold for GHC3.00, Cement is going for GHC100.00. Do you need me to tell you to resolve to tell this government that, you tried them, but they have worsened your daily conditions?

I will urge all members of GUTA, businessmen and women, drivers. car owners and the general public to resolve and vote against this wicked and insensitive government. Let the NPP know on December 7, 2024, that you are one of the wise ones who voted against them. NPP never again.
Mahama reba.

Lawrence Appiah-Osei

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