
Tanzania Police
The police have just ended a raid on the headquarters of the Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT) Wazalendo, Tanzania, 7 November 2017.

Tanzanian traffic police said on Friday that they have revoked driving licenses for 8,237 bus and truck drivers across the East African country for lack of competence that lead to road accidents.

Ramadhani Ng’anzi, Tanzania’s traffic police commander, said the police have also suspended 161 out of more than 300 driving schools for not meeting required standards.

“Most of the revoked licenses belonged to drivers who did not undergo driving lessons, and they were the sources of road accidents,” said Ng’anzi.

He said the 8,000-plus driving licenses were voluntarily surrendered by the bus and truck drivers ahead of a nationwide crackdown to be launched by the traffic police.

“We have ordered the suspended drivers to undergo training. And when they complete their training, they should apply for new driving licenses afresh,” he said.

Ng’anzi said the crackdown on over 1,700,000 bus, truck and salon car driving licenses will start any time from now, warning that “there will be no mercy for incompetent drivers.”

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