
Chuchuliga Sandema Wiaga Weisi Road
Chuchuliga Sandema Wiaga Weisi Road

Construction works on the Chuchuliga-Sandema-Wiaga-Weisi Road in the Upper Eat Region will be completed depending on the availability of funds, Mr Kwasi Amoako-Attah, the Minister of Roads and Highways, has informed Parliament.

The Minister stated this on the floor of the House in his response to a question by Mr James Agalga, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP).

The MP asked the Minister when works on the Chuchuliga-Sandema-Wiaga-Weisi Road, which started as far back as 2016 would be completed.

The Minister in his response noted that the Chuchuliga-Sandema-Wiaga-Weisi Road was an Inter-regional road (IR10) and was 62km long graveled surface road.

He said the road had been awarded under two different contractors – firstly, the upgrading of Chuchuliga-Sandema-Wiaga-Weisi Road (40km).

He said the contract commenced on 19th September, 2016 and was scheduled for completion by 18th March, 2019.
He noted that progress of work was estimated at 40 per cent physical completion.

Secondly, the upgrading of Sandema-Wiaga-Weisi Road (km 1.0 – 11.00).
He noted that the contract commenced on 3rd January, 2020 and was scheduled for completion by 30th June, 2021, adding that progress of work was estimated at 29 per cent physical completion.

Touching on future programme, the Minister said currently, contractors were not on both sites due to delays in payment for works done.

“The works will be completed depending on the availability of funds,” Mr Amoako-Attah said.

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